Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tough Week

This week has been particularly tough to me as I probably made at least one mistake everyday. First of all, I felt extremely sick on Monday, in which I got a blurred eye, a headache, a diarrhea and threw up on the same day. However, I did manage to stay in the office and finish the whole day of work without letting anyone know my condition. After that, my works were erroneous on the next couple days and Friday was the worst as not only did I fail big time, I also felt sick again. I discovered two big mistakes in my previous works and I technically spent half a day fixing my mess. Then around five, my eyes started to hurt again which result another painful headache. Anyway, this week was too damn long to me and I felt that every day was like a year. Time passes slower in difficult times… To my surprise, my supervisor never yelled at me even if I made countless mistakes this week. Maybe everyone was too busy to waste time on a useless person like me…

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