Friday, January 23, 2009

First Taste of Busy Season

Works started to pile up when the deadline was approaching. Working beyond the normal hours just turned out to be a norm. Sometimes, I just didn't feel like to leave early because everyone was still in the office (even when my supervisor told me I didn't have to stay late… why she would care since my overtime didn't cost her a dime anyway -_-b). But lately, it became absolutely necessary to stay behind to finish the works on time. I did believe my office was understaffed right now after one of my co-workers left right before the busy season and we all had to share her assignments. Since then, it’s just getting worse and the pressure started to get into my nerves this week. My performance continued to suffer from countless mistakes and (constructive) criticisms were given everyday… Swiftness and perfection… so hard to get them at the same time… At one point, I believed the total hours I spent on one particular assignment would be more than my normal work hours in one day. At night, I just got too tired to have any entertainment and pretty much went straight to the bed after meal and shower before twelve. Three more months of this kind of life ahead, would I be able to survive?

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