Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Invitation to Trouble

I took a day off today because our family had a housing interview this morning. This was the first time we ever went to an interview since we sometimes were selected by housing projects in bad neighborhoods but ended up declining those opportunities. However, this one was hard to ignore since the project was located in Manhattan. To be honest, we're kind of over the income requirement but we just had to twist our numbers a little bit to give it a try (Man! I shouldn't have worked that many overtime…). The morning commute was OK but the express train was like running local in the last few stops so we just got to the interviewer's office in time. There were three steps in the selection process. First was to test your income eligibility, second was credit and background check and last was the home visit. If I didn't make a few changes the last minutes, I didn't think we would pass the first part. Nonetheless, the interviewer kept asking standardized questions and still requested information that I didn't really want to disclose. In the end, we're just half done with the interview and were required to bring over more information on certain areas before a short deadline. Damnit! We might just fall victim to our own stupidity…

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