Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

Another co-worker quitted this week which left only three staff including me in our department and I felt that It's gonna happened for a long time as I'd sensed that she didn't want to stay. As a result, all the staff that joined the firm last year were gone within a year except me. This wasn't really a good sign at all since people in this firm seemed to always come and go for years. When being asked whether I'd stay in the firm longer, I'd say thing like "it's hard to determine now, which translated, ' just leave me alone, bitch!'" Well, the truth… who knows. Thanks for the untimely leave. Workload increased from one-fourth to on-third and the extension deadline was approaching. Plus, I needed to train the new part-time worker so I was busy last week and it sucked. If somebody quitted again next time, please chose June or July in which nobody cared if one showed up for work.

P.S. A week after the A/C installation but it's only been on for three days because the temperature cooled off a little bit… When the A/C was on, it's kind of noisy so I couldn't go to bed without earplugs. However, even if it's off, I couldn't sleep well either because it's raining outside and the raindrops hit the frame of the A/C all the time. So why the hell I brought the A/C in the first place?

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