Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Zero no Tsukaima: Princesse no Rondo (ゼロの使い魔~三美姫の輪舞) 09

Like master, like familiar...

"Why can't boys have boobs!?" Yes, they could if they're shemales...

Irukukwu, self-proclaimed Tabitha's younger sister, first appears in the scene naked!

And she immediately joins Saito's harem...

However, her real identity is Tabitha's familiar, Sylphid. Wow wow wow, I can't believe Saito is into zoosexuality...

Saito and his companies try to convince Henrietta to rescue Tabitha by forgoing their noble status.

However, Henrietta opposes and arrests them, and later they are joined by Louise.

Great idea! Using spoons to break out of the prison... maybe you should use those spoons as your magic wand...

Irukukwu, as I've stated last post.

Comments: Actually, very few services are provided in this episode. It's bad good because finally the producers decide to adapt the novel faithfully.

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