Monday, September 8, 2008

Wagaya no Oinari-sama (我が家のお稲荷さま) 23

I can't believe Wagaya no Oinari-sama is back to the story of my favorite character in the anime, Misaki Sakura (佐倉美咲) and this time it's about her diet.

Road-side bomb in the scale?

How could this help her to lose her weight?

Misaki is showing plenty of expressions as usual.

Momiji Miyabe/the Golden Wolf offers food to the members of the badminton club.

I don't think neither Momiji is particular slim nor Misaki is particular fat.

On the other hand, Ko also needs to be on diet...

Fearing that Noboru doesn't like fat girls, Misaki's determined to win him back by losing ? kg.

A date with Norobu...

in a barbecue...

The trio meet in the bookstore unintentionally and go to workout together.

No snack but plenty of exercises...

Kugen is too strong...

Then they go to swim. (Ko is like a elementary school studnet...)

Ironically, Ko's specialized in the magic of water but she couldn't swim...

Kugen wants to invite Misaki to their house to help Ko to lose some weight.

The ultimate panty to win Norobu over...

Misaki's moment of happiness and she smiles like a housewife...

... and does what married couples do at home...

"Mission Accomplished! I finally reach home base with Noboru my target weight!"

But Misaki's embarrassed when Noboru hears her stomach drumming...

In the final scene, the reason why Ko's heavy...

Comments: With only one expected episode left, I'm just wondering what kind of finale Wagaya no Oinari-sama will have?

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